How to get Lollipop Android 5.0 on your smartphone or tablet

Google officially released Android 5.0 Lollipop before yesterday, and alongside a new range of brand new Nexus devices, among which are a Phablet, the Nexus 6 , a tablet, the Nexus 9 , and a set-top -box geared for games, Play Nexus.

See also : Apple announced that the SDK for the Apple Watch will be launched in November

In the coming weeks, the new operating system coming out should be available for a number of Android devices, for different manufacturers, among which we can find: HTC, Sony, Samsung and many others.

To prepare for the arrival of Android 5.0 Lollipop, here is a step by step guide to make sure it arrives on your device without a hitch.

1 - Make sure your device is compatible

All Android devices will not be able to handle the new OS version . But Google has already confirmed that the Nexus 4, the Nexus 5, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 will get in the coming weeks, as well as the Nexus 6 and 9. In addition to the Nexus Nexus devices, among other devices should embark Lollipop Android 5.0 include:

Various devices Google Play Edition (perhaps all)
HTC One and One M8 M7
Moto X Moto G, G 4G Moto, Moto E, Ultra Droid, Droid Maxx and Droid Mini
Sony, Samsung and LG should confirm all devices that offer the update in the coming weeks

2 - Back up your stuff

Even if it is a stable version, it is always wise to ensure that all your data is saved on your device. This can be done using Google Drive or other storage facility on the property known cloud.

3 - Connect your smartphone to a power source

To ensure that the smartphone or tablet will not turn off during the update, make sure you plug your device into a wall outlet or a USB port on your computer.

4 - Download the update

In the settings of your device, go to the "About phone" or "About tablet" and click "Update System" and click "Check for updates button . " If Android 5.0 is available Lollipop and your smartphone or tablet has Wi-Fi, the download will start immediately . Just wait ...

After these steps, you should have the latest version of Android on your device and it will be time to enjoy all the new features that Google has deployed.
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