Microsoft Xim a new application for sharing photos

Microsoft Research has released a new application called Xim , offering something interesting to share photos . Now the question arises that everyone is: Is it really necessary to have another way to view our photos? Well, it turns out that it bring something new that might be worth considering.

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Xim is the groundwork of a growing obsession to go to the Microsoft cloud. When installing the application, you provide access to Xim where your pictures are stored. It may be your OneDrive account the Photos folder of your device, or even your Instagram account. You are then free to select photos to share with Xim. So far, everything looks very familiar. The change comes when you share these photos with others.

After choosing the people in your contact list, e-mail or a phone number, each person receives a text message with a link to the guide to your collection Xim. Interestingly, all the pictures are displayed, and each person has a degree of control over them so they can slip from one to another, or zoom in on details. Since it is online, the host needs to have the application installed Xim. Once Xim application installed, you can add pictures to Xim record previously shared, and easily communicate with the author of the file.

In the same way that Snapchat, Xim the files have a limited life and expire after a certain period of time . You are also limited to only 50 photos by Xim file. Collaboration system, certainly limited in time, is very attractive, especially in situations where you can spend your smartphone with friends to watch a few shots can be embarrassing.

It's also nice to know that Xim is not prone to the Microsoft ecosystem . Although of course the Windows Phone Store , you can find it on Google Play Store and soon on the Apple App Store.
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