Raspberry Pi Model B+ can handle two VGA monitors

The Raspberry Pi single-board computer has always needed the HDMI port for connecting to an external monitor. But this computer does not have a VGA port. That is, if the screen you have on hand offer a VGA input, you'll need to buy an adapter that converts digital signals to analog.

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Today, there is another way. Gert van Loo created a VGA adapter for the Raspberry Pi Model B +, which connects to the 40-pin connector on the latest version of the minicomputer . This is nothing short of an expansion card.

You can use the adapter to connect a VGA monitor, and soon you might even be able use it, and the HDMI port to connect two displays simultaneously.

Although this connector might make you the eye, however be aware that there are some caveats. First, the software capable of offering support for dual display is still under development and may not be available for several weeks.
Secondly, and more importantly, you can not actually get any of these new VGA adapters currently. The drawings are hosted on GitHub and everyone can build itself. But, you'll need a printed circuit board, which can be expensive to produce.
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