OnePlus One: it runs on a variant of Cyanogen

The Chinese manufacturer OnePlus was granted a period of time by the Delhi High Court of Justice to consider an alternative to Cyanogen embarked on its devices. The least one can say is that the firm has made ​​the best use of that freedom. OnePlus announced the development of an alpha version of its non Cyanogen ROM named "Android Lollipop Alpha" . This is in the early stages of development, and is far from being finalized.

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Android Lollipop Alpha is the result of the allegations raised by the Micromax smartphone maker on OnePlus and exclusive agreement with the firm Cynogen. According to the statement made by Micromax, the OnePlus devices can not work on CyanogenMod that an agreement was reached between Cyanogen and the Indian manufacturer in order to develop a new brand, Yu. The flagship smartphone has been banned by the Delhi High Court, as its promotion and import was limited in India. Later, the Court lifted the ban and temporarily granted the electronics giant based in Shenzhen within a few weeks to find an alternative to Cyanogen.

The company said that the new ROM has nothing more to offer, and comes with the features of the AOSP version of Lollipop . She also added that users encounter many bugs that the ROM is in the early stages.

Users willing to take the plunge can download the new ROM for the link , but the company will not cover damage from Android Lollipop Alpha.

Some known bugs that may occur in the new ROM are:

The data roaming lights default
ROM may scrub (failure to make it unusable). It is therefore recommended to make a backup of your data
The camera is unstable
Capacitive keys can not turn off
The plant periodic clock
The starting time will be a little slow at first start
Wi-fi connectivity is unstable
The build is not eligible for updates OTA.
While a deadline was set by the court in New Delhi, it seems that OnePlus has done everything possible to work on a variant of Cyanogen. However, this new ROM seems to have some bugs and it will be interesting to see if this will hinder sales OnePlus India.
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