Bad news for Google, "Many people move from Android to iOS"

Obviously, many Android fans were seduced by the iPhone 6 Plus.

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Right now, everything is going well for Apple. In fact, although the first quarter of 2015, the iPhone 6 and 6 more were no longer the latest news in the mobile industry, Apple brand has stolen a lot of competitors in Android, the Google OS.

According to statistics from Kantar corresponding to this period, almost one third of iPhone sold in Europe were purchased by (former) Android users.

It must be said that by launching the iPhone 6 Plus, the Apple brand has attracted a lot of users phablettes Android.

In addition, Apple has pretty facilitated the transition of Android users to the iOS environment. And lately, it has even extended its exchange program against competing smartphones discounts for the purchase of a new iPhone.

In any case, the statistics confirm Kantar statements of Tim Cook claimed that the recent generation iPhone has attracted a very high number of former users of Android, in any case higher than for the previous generation.

But anyway, Android mobile OS is still the most used in the world and Samsung even managed to regain its leading position in terms of volume.
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