Android Eclipse Studio For Android Developer....

This was expected, is it not?

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If you had the habit of creating Android applications with Eclipse integrated development environment, we have to get used to Android Studio, IDE based on IntelliJ IDEA that Google Apps designed for the development of its system exploitation.

Indeed, at the end of the year, the Mountain View company will cease the support and the development of Android Develop Tools (ADT) for Eclipse, the ADT plugin and Android Ant.

Google wants to focus on android studio to make "better and faster". As a reminder, the first stable version 1.0 was released in December 2014 . As for the preview version, it was already available for some time.

The good news is that it is possible to migrate to Android Studio Eclipse projects and that Google has even produced a guide for those who have not yet done.

In its blog post, Google also states that "Android tools inside Eclipse continue to live in the open source community through the Eclipse Foundation." However, I think it is now time to abandon this IDE and become familiar with Android Studio.
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