Xiaomi unveils footwear connected to boost your business

In response to the rapid adoption by consumers for Xiaomi smartphones and devices, the Chinese manufacturer will diversify. Indeed, it seems that  Xiaomi is preparing to launch a new product, connected shoes , in line with its other products focused on fitness.

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Made in collaboration with the Chinese brand oriented in the sector of sports and fitness, Li Ning, the footwear has a tiny tracker Bluetooth activity that is placed inside of a cut in his heel . The sensor will then provide its users with information about their activities , such as steps taken, and calories burned. For now, there is no detail if more data will be collected.

The sensor will communicate with the mobile application Xiaomi Mi Fit - the same one that connects with the Xiaomi Mi Band - and with Bluetooth connectivity.
Two sneaker models will be available: one with an existing design suitable to accommodate the sensor, and a new model of Li Ning. The Chinese company Xiaomi produce the sensor and Li Ning shoes will sell through its website. Newly designed connected shoes are sold at a fairly reasonable price, since the new model will be priced at $ 65, and that based on the current model is only $ 32.

Smart shoes will be on sale before the end of the month. As usual, there is no word on whether the shoes will be sold outside of China.
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