Android 4.4 KitKat Strikes S4 and Note 3 somewhere in January

Normaly Samsung's Phones like Galaxy S4,Note 2,Note 3 are running on their newest firmware version 4.3 Jelly Bean.
But users are still waiting for marking up their phone upto date by getting an KitKat 4.4 Android Update soon.

So as compare to other devices like Note 2 and S3,the Samsung's S4 and Note 3 is newer so,the French carrier says in their announcement that KitKat 4.4 is comming in late january only for S4 and Note 3 devices.But still a hope for getting on Note 2 Too.

Some of the new 4.4 KitKat Features you all may know

Better Management of Memory

Google Now Improved Version

Hangouts Application Upgraded 

Added a Smarter Caller ID 

Included Immresive Mode 

Include Integration between Cloud storage 

On the Go Print option 

Better Built in sensors 

Lock Screen Art

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