C# program for AND Operator

Here i am Posting the simple program as well as most basic program which will show you
"How to use AND Operator(&&)".
It will be most helpful for the beginners who start learning C#.

In this example i have hard coded the value of username and password which i mention in the code comment(//).


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication10


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            string name, password;

            Console.Write("Enter Username = ");//username get from user.


            Console.Write("Enter Password = ");//password get from the user.

            password = Console.ReadLine();

            //here it will check whether the value is true or not.


            if (name == "admin" && password == "admin123")//in this statement i have hard coded.


                Console.WriteLine("Login Successful");//if the statement will true than it will print this.




                                             //if the statement will be false than it will print below statement.

                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Username OR Password Please Try Again!!!");






Output :

When the value will be TRUE than it will give this output.

When the value will be FALSE than it will give this output.

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