1TB of storage in the 'cloud' with Yunio!

There are on the market a number of solutions to store documents in

the cloud. Yunio part thereof, with a big advantage: its free version includes 

1TB of storage space.

Offering Yunio is similar to all competing solutions. The tool and 

declines over several platforms and it is possible to download the official 

client on Windows, OS X or Linux, many mobile applications are also 

available, developed for iOS (iPhone & iPad) and Android applications.

Nothing on Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS for now, then.

As mentioned a little earlier, Yunio distinguishes itself from its competitors 

through the storage space available to all new students. After creating an 

account, they can actually enjoy 1TB of storage space on the servers of the 

company. The best is yet to come because it will give them extra 1GB each 

day, on the express condition that they connect to the web portal, or through 

customers and dedicated applications.

Not bad and it is not finished because the platform will allow us to upload 

files weighing up to 5 GB through heavy clients. On the web version and 

mobile applications, the limit is set at 1.5 GB however

To secure our files, Yunio system uses 256 bit AES encryption. The free 

version will be able to manage up to 10 revisions to a single file and we can 

create five shared folders and reach no less than 10. Pretty decent.

The client has a simple, uncluttered, minimalist interface. Unlike Dropbox or 

Google Drive, it will not need to create a specific folder in our file system to 

operate. Yunio is a little more subtle in reality. It will start by creating a 

folder in the client, or via the web service. Once this is done, we'll just do a 

right click on the local directory of our choice, and get more synchronization 

option from the context menu. Its contents will be sent on company servers.

Yunio not therefore ashamed to face competition, to be sure, but still note 

that this is a Chinese service hosted in China. Rest assured, however, 

because it is completely ... translated into English. It's better than nothing, 

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