using System; using System.Collections; namespace Postslush { class cstack { int index; ArrayList list; public cstack() { index = -1; list = new ArrayList(); } public void push() { Console.Write("\n Enter an item to push: "); string str = Console.ReadLine(); list.Add(str); index++; Console.WriteLine("\n {0} is pushed onto the Stack.", str); } public void pop() { if (index == -1) Console.WriteLine("\n Sorry ! Stack is empty."); else { object obj = list[index]; list.RemoveAt(index); index--; Console.WriteLine("\n Poped item is {0}", obj); } } public void status() { if (index == -1) Console.WriteLine("\n Sorry ! Stack is empty."); else { Console.WriteLine("\n Contents of the STACK: \n"); foreach (object obj in list) Console.WriteLine(obj); } } public void clear() { if (index == -1) Console.WriteLine("\n Sorry ! Stack is empty."); else { list.Clear(); index = -1; Console.WriteLine("\n The stack is emptied. "); } } } class StackProgram { static void Main(string[] args) { cstack st = new cstack(); int i = 1, ch; while (i == 1) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("\n ********************************"); Console.WriteLine("\n Welcome to STACK Operations."); Console.WriteLine("\n ********************************"); Console.WriteLine("\n 1----> PUSH"); Console.WriteLine("\n 2----> POP"); Console.WriteLine("\n 3----> STATUS"); Console.WriteLine("\n 4----> CLEAR"); Console.WriteLine("\n 5----> EXIT"); Console.WriteLine("\n ********************************"); Console.Write("\n\n Enter your choice: "); ch = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (ch) { case 1: st.push(); break; case 2: st.pop(); break; case 3: st.status(); break; case 4: st.clear(); break; case 5: Environment.Exit(-1); break; default: Console.WriteLine(" Sorry !!! Wrong choice."); break; } Console.Write("\n Press ENTER to Continue: "); Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("\n End of STACK operations... Bye"); } } }Output :