Multi Boot your Nexus 5 and 7....

If you like tons of test ROM Android and you have a beautiful 5 Nexus or a 

Nexus 7, here is a great mod that allows for multi-boot, that is to say, install

several Android ROMs or other operating systems like Ubuntu or FirefoxOS 

Touch (when they are available for the Nexus of course) ... etc.. and choose 

on which to start the launch of your phone.

It's called MultiROM and is available on this XDA thread for the Nexus 5 . 

Note that it is also quite possible to boot from a USB key or drive through an 

OTG cable. Just like with a PC eventually.

You can also restore Nandroid backups without problems and use them as 

secondary. C ROM is of course totally experimental, but rather interesting.

To install, you must be root on Nexus5 and install this application . Then 

check the boxes MultiROM and Recovery in the block "Install / Update" and 

click the "Install" button.


Here is a demo video:

Enjoy this it's CooL !!!!
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