On Facebook pages, your articles in text format will be less visible than before

You administer a Facebook page? It may be necessary to change your habits. 

It is suggested that a release of a number of social networks.

Previously, Facebook says that more people saw statutes on the news feed, 

the more they published, in a sort of ripple effect. And that is good for the 

health of the social network.

Proof: When Facebook began to show more text articles on the news feed, the

result was an increase of 9 million publications per day. 

It was therefore decided to adapt the algorithm to give better visibility to text

 publications on this thread.

Administrators page certainly have observed that the statutes texts had more

visibility compared to shared links (shared sense of Facebook). 

Myself, I noticed that.

Many pages have even begun to share their links differently.

It has become common for publications where the URL to the web page is 

added to the status text, so Twitter. Others publish photos and leave a link in

the description.

But what Facebook wants to multiply on the news feed, are the texts of 

statutes friends of users and not pages. So he decided to differentiate into 

two distinct categories. And social network always be working on its algorithm

to improve this little differentiation. The goal is "to show people the content 

they want to see" .

Therefore, we should expect a decrease in the visibility of publications in text

format on brand pages. However, again according to Facebook, other 

publication formats (images, link, etc.) should know more commitment and 

visibility. History of catch?

If you are interested in publishing formats that caused the most engagement

on Facebook, you can refer to an infographic produced by Digital Information

and SocialClinch World , published last year. According to it, publications texts

(no URL) would be the most engaging, followed by photos and albums.

And share a link as provided on the social network would attract more like,

clicks and comments improvised method with the URL to the text, according to Facebook.
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