Facebook no longer limits its category 'gender' to 'masculine' and 'feminine' and adds the option 'customized'
People who could not find their happiness in both genres offered by Facebook will now be able to choose the category 'customized' the third kind.
Yesterday, a little extra every discrete parameter was added to Facebook. Many have missed but the most perceptive will have identified this change: the "gender" section is no longer limited to "masculine" and "feminine." A third category has emerged: "custom". By choosing this alternative, those who could not find a satisfactory solution in the 'kind' will finally select an option that suits them. It is also possible to manually enter the most appropriate term to the person: transsexual, transgender, two-spirit ..
An improvement ...
Another small improvement, the people affected by this novelty to select the personal pronoun that Facebook use to designate them. The choice will be given between 'he' ('he'), it ('she') or a more neutral term 'it' in English - to see how it will be translated into French. This improvement is to allow everyone to see who is on the social network, without barriers. Facebook has relayed the information on his Facebook page Diversity where it says " If many of these changes do not matter much, it's something important for those who have suffered. "
... That needs to be dug
On this occasion, the social network hoisted a flag with the colors of the rainbow in the sky to its premises in Menlo Park. The option will undoubtedly enjoy all the people involved in this issue of the third kind. It is however available on the English version of Facebook - which can be accessed by changing our parameters - for the moment. Other countries are likely to benefit shortly. Although this initiative is a very good idea from Facebook, it has yet to be excavated. Certain users raise particular the fact that the categories of "relationships" and "interested" are always limited. A hermaphrodite child will, for example, be designated as "son of" or "daughter."