Google Glass Driving: Mountain View courting politicians
Can we accept the wearing of Google Glass driving ?
It is currently the debate revolves around the glasses connected to Google.
Connected objects, which may be smart Google Goggles will be among the trends this year 2014. At the dawn of a possible public launch of Google Glass, a subject being debated.
Although these are still available for participants Glass Explorer program and sold at a high price, some users have already made surprise with Google Glass on the nose at the wheel. In addition, some states have already proposed texts to restrict the wearing of glasses.
Recently in California, a woman was prosecuted for using Google Glass driving and dangerous driving. But lack of evidence that the glasses were on while driving, it was relaxed.
Currently, Google, which will certainly begin to market these connected in the coming months glasses, employ a significant lobbying politicians for that Glass can be worn even while driving. According to Reuters, Google is waging a campaign to officials in at least three U.S. states where proposals have been made to restrict the wearing of glasses new generation.
This is for example Ira Silverton, a senator from Illinois, author of a bill to restrict the wearing of Google Glass (Driving), which had already been visited by a lobbyist to discuss this topic .
In France, there is still a blur. Indeed, the traffic states in the Article R412-6-2 that "Placing in the field of vision of the driver of a vehicle in traffic an operating device with a screen and not forming a driving aid or navigation is prohibited. " As you have noticed, it may be a little fuzzy, insofar Google Glass could possibly be an aid to navigation, as well as GPS screens.
However, the UK seems to have a step ahead in the use restriction of Glass driving. According to an article Stuff, here is what a spokesperson for the DfT (Department of Transport) said: "We are aware of the imminent deployment of Google and Glass are in discussion with the police to ensure that nobody uses technology driving " .
The heart of the debate is that the driver may be distracted by the information displayed on the Google Glass. But in some cases , this information may be useful to the driver and this could even be a better device than the current GPS.
For Google, the challenge of this restriction may be important. A recent Deloitte report suggests that the success of these "wearable devices" could be conditioned by the legal constraints that will regulate their use. And you, are you for or against the port of Google Glass driving?