Microsoft Accelerator puts on a show

Microsoft Accelerator yesterday organized its first demo day 9 to allow start-ups to pitch face many journalists and investors.

This sentence, written in large letters on the giant screen hosting journalists / investors and curious what demo day. This sentence, written in large letters to summarize the state of mind of start-ups that are about to pitcher.

It is on the fringes of Microsoft Tech Days Ventures organized a demo day to allow start-ups of his Parisian accelerator pitcher before a distinguished audience of investors and investment funds.

Few minutes before the start of the event, start-ups are briefed with the latest information on the time of speech, the use of slides, etc.. 
Everything is done in a very good atmosphere among the start-ups who know already all which chambrent and motivate each other. 
pressure is obviously present watermark, but entrepreneurs seem confident after repeated again and again their presentations.

It is then Jean Ferre, Director of Microsoft Ventures in France who came on stage to present the dream they had there 2 years to launch an accelerator to Paris to help innovation. 18 months later, they are 6 accelerators that have opened in the world with already some great success stories with many fundraisers and several acquisitions (so 1 by Microsoft and Yahoo by 1).

Zack Weisfeld, Senior Director of Microsoft Ventures, then made ​​its debut to echo this sentiment, recalling also that Microsoft was a startup. Indeed, help start-ups, it is a bit of a way for Microsoft to return to its roots, this time Bill Gates launched 

in a garage with a handful of dollars.

Jean Ferre remember how developers are important to Microsoft, this is also one of them who has taken the top of the box in the person of Satya Nadella.

It is then the start-ups that succeeded pitcher for their projects.

1/3 of Facebook statuses talk about food. 
Food is the number one topic on Pinterest 
5 billion photographs of food were shared on social networks last year. 
The first start-up recites these few key figures before coming present Youmiam how is the solution. 
This is a company that we already know well (like ), as part of the contest nominees press Start-Up Lemon. 
They then go on stage Patrick Robin ( CEO, mentor and investor Youmiam, who will explain his feelings on the product, on the team ... come and explain the reason for his investment.

5-minute pitch. 1 minute speech mentor and again 5 minutes pitch ... it is with this frenzied pace that pitches will succeed with all much quality.

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