Mobile Internet: this is only the beginning ...

Did you know ?

In 2013, global mobile data traffic have increased by 81%. And this is only the beginning.

CISCO has recently published a report called "Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update." It provides us with some interesting information about the current state of the Internet, particularly on mobile.

Strong growth in mobile internet in 2013

According to Cisco, the global flow of mobile data grew by 81% in 2013 and reached a monthly average of 1.5 exabytes per month by the end of the year. In 2012, people were still talking 820 petabytes per month. And compared to the year 2000, speaks of a volume 18 times higher.

Note also that CISCO has observed an increase in the average speed of mobile connections in the world, which has squarely doubled. We are talking about an average speed of 1387 kbps in 2013, against 526 Kbps in 2012.

Another interesting fact: according to the report, in Western Europe and North America, smartphones and tablets running iOS Data consumed more than Android devices.

Interesting predictions

But if the global mobile traffic has increased dramatically between late 2012 and late 2013, it is still only the beginning. Indeed, some forecast that Cisco publishes its report suggest heyday for the economy of the web, at least for those who have been able to anticipate this migration to mobile.

Indeed, if we rely on these predictions, the average data traffic on mobile will reach 15 exabytes by 2018 worldwide. The number of connected devices will be higher than the world's population by 2014. In 2016, the average connection speed will surpass 2 Mbps.

To illustrate all this: it is expected that the average consumption of data a person reach 3 GB in 2018. In 2013, the figure was 356 MB.

Also recall that 2013 had a special significance for the industry of smartphones. In fact, according to Gartner, smartphone sales surpassed those basic phones for the first time in history, during the second quarter of 2013.

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