Musx: music with friends on iOS

Want to discover new artists and new albums by relying on your favorite social networks? Musx should interest you.

Today there are many ways to consume music. Pay platforms, collaborative radio, streaming services, solutions are not lacking and it is actually very easy to find the Shoe Fits. This does not prevent some companies to enter the sector and this is precisely the case Musx , intelligent application, well thought out and has a particularly formidable ergonomics.

An application that is not unlike what offer, to some extent, Vine and Instagram.

Musx can perfectly be used as is, without an account. Once the application is installed on your device, and you simply launch the wizard and go to find yourself face to the most popular titles on the platform. There, well you can start reading them , the "liker" , comment and even send them to the playlist of your choice .

The application also includes a search engine. Just type the name of the artist or album of our choice for our application returns a list of results.

As it stands, Musx is already very pleasant to use. Playback of clips is sometimes a bit slow to start (they are hosted on YouTube and Vevo) but the tool works quite well. However, it is its social features that allow her out of the ordinary, and stand out from the competition.

If you go to your profile, you will come face to face with two buttons offering you connect using Twitter or Facebook . When this is done, Musx will automatically browse through your friends list and you return all those also present on the platform. You will then just tap on a button to subscribe to their news, and discover songs they listen to.

Musx is perhaps not as complete a Deezer or Spotify that is true, but it has an advantage: it is totally free . Now he's missing a Android version, and Windows Phone.

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