The soldiers of tomorrow will be sur-equipped. The latest equipment? Q-Warrior, a virtual reality system to increase the performance of the wearer.
While Google Glass resemble more the commercialization stage, the army announced it, its Q-Warrior. As is often the case, the military have and develop technologies that are caused to be suitable for the general public - the example of Arpanet, forerunner of the Internet, perhaps the most telling. Q-Warrior could therefore be thinking of Glass in military version. This equipment is a helmet with a virtual reality system integrated. A tile covers a soldier's eye and allows a 3D color display that transform man into a real Terminator.
Night vision and tracking
Obviously, no YouTube or Gmail on Q-Warrior. The idea is to provide a military advantage through a combination of data and analyzes. Thus, the virtual reality system allows night vision improved information on the key points, the ability to detect friendly and enemy forces have access to certain personal data or coordinate units together. Q-Warrior allow the soldier to soldier to receive additional information without pop in his movements.
The future of virtual reality?
Q-Warrior system will be field tested to see if its use is really necessary or not. The manufacturer, BAE Systems promises equipment both lightweight and inexpensive ('cheap' for the army). If the technology is adopted, it is possible that versions for civilians emerge. After all, why not equip a doctor or a foreman eye 'which allows him to visualize a virtual augmented reality? In any case, if the soldiers of tomorrow are equipped with Q-Warrior and the exoskeleton TALOS , the battlefield may look like sci-fi. You said Iron Man?
If your heart tells you, a video presents the system and shows some images seen through the Q-Warrior . These, however, are rather disappointing and there is a safe bet that this will be improved.