Samsung Galaxy Gear watch in Tizen OS

According to some speculations, Samsung Galaxy could have a watch Gear running OS Tizen.

According to three sources of USA Today, the new version of the watch Samsung Galaxy Gear would not work with Android but the Tizen open-source operating system . This new watch could be presented at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (an annual event dedicated to mobile technology), with a new version of Tizen.

For their part, our colleagues at Cnet have received the same information. Their source would also indicated that Samsung is planning the presentation of a watch Gear Galaxy using Tizen OS. They also suggest a smartphone OS Tizen on which the South Korean had worked and could be presented at MWC.

However, Samsung plans could still change and projectors should stay focused on the next flagship of manufacturer: Samsung Galaxy S5.

In January, an official Samsung had already mentioned the famous "Galaxy Gear 2" in an interview with Bloomberg. It was then understood that the product would be launched at the same time as the Galaxy S5 (as at the launch of Galaxy Note 3). But no specification was raised at the time.

You should know that Samsung is one of which are the most invested in the development of this open-source platform companies. This is an operating system for mobile devices but also to other connected.

The challenge is simple: many companies involved in this adventure want to reduce their dependence vis-à-vis the Android operating system, which is currently the most used mobile platform in the world. For its part, Tizen will want more "open-source" that Google's platform.

Previous shows connected Samsung still using Android. But he had Android since the name was changed appearance and applications can be downloaded from the web store from Samsung. By developing a watch under Tizen Gear Galaxy, Samung may think long term. The era of connected objects being still at an embryonic stage, it is difficult to predict future policy that will lead to Google Apps in that area.

Note also that according to the sources of USA TODAY, the new version of Tizen will be presented with the new Galaxy Gear is based on HTML 5. The objective could be to attract a maximum of developers using this language widely used.
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