Android is more stable iOS?

Those who claim that Android is less stable iOS may be stuck on Gingerbread release.

At the time of earlier versions like Froyo or Gingerbread, use a terminal Android could generate a very frustrating experience: bugs, loads that never end and other minor problems because of which you will eventually remove the battery from the smartphone.

But with recent versions, it must be admitted that the team of Google's mobile OS has made ​​efforts to correct this problem. More specifically, from Jelly Bean 4.1, Android worked mainly on the performance of the OS, so to produce something more reliable and eliminate these bugs.

And it seems that it is rather "mission accomplished" since according to our colleagues of Android Central, a report Crittercism have suggested that, on average, Android is now more stable iOS. The company offers services of monitoring of mobile applications for iOS and Android. Thus, it accesses a massive amount of data that can be analyzed.

According to his report, the applications installed on Android (all versions) applications have been less than bug installed on iOS. Indeed, on Android applications, on average, the rate of crashes would have been 0.7%. This reflects improvements in recent versions of Google's mobile OS as Gingerbread, the average is 1.7%. This figure is 2.5% for iOS 6, 2.1, 7% for iOS 1.6 and iOS 7.1%.

Regarding the terminal, you might be incredibly surprised to know that one of the terminals that have been analyzed, it would be the Samsung Galaxy S4 would be the most stable. There will therefore be nice not to love , but this point, it seems to be a good device. On the other hand, we have reported more bugs on the iPad 2.

In terms of applications, it is of course playing games with graphics that pushed the plant more, as opposed to e-commerce applications category.

However, other reports can always contradict this theory.
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