A college student asked to give his Facebook password to delve into his profile. A very bad idea.
A school district in Minnesota has agreed to pay a sum of $ 70,000 in compensation to a student who had been asked to give their passwords to responsible for its Facebook and email accounts are searched.
The story goes back a few years. In 2012, a lawsuit was launched by ACCLU (American Civil Liberties Union), who represented Riley Stratton, now aged 15. The school is particularly accused of violating the civil liberties of Riley and finally accepted the way of arrangement.
It all started when a teenager on Facebook publishes unflattering post about an employee of the school. The publication was seen and Riley ECOPA hours glue. The documents also indicate that further comment has been published since his house and in no case, Riley has used the terminals of the school. This is already considered a threat to freedom.
But even more, Riley was also forced to give their passwords. His Facebook accounts and emails were searched by the institution, as a result of complaints from parents who have raised the sexting via internet. Online conversations Riley were open before his eyes before a sheriff. And without parental consent.
The $ 70,000 will be shared among the family of Riley and ACCLU who represented.