Google Naps the best parody of Google Maps

Discover Google Naps, parody Google Maps which shows you the best places to take a nap.
Fortunately, the humor still exists on the internet. There a few weeks ago we mentioned AirPnP a parody AirBnB service that allows you to locate places where you can find toilets borrow, sometimes at a cost. This time, it's Google Maps navigation service from Google, which has been parodied. If you are looking for the best route between your office and train station, stay on Google Maps. However, if you are looking for the ideal place to take a nap, Google Naps (nap = nap in English) is for you.

Just visit the address and explore the map to find a point among all those who have been placed by users. And you too can provide a point on the globe to take a nap by clicking on the map. You will be asked to give your name, the type of location (a field, a bench, a bed, etc.) and a small description.

You may be incredibly surprised to know that there are even benches to take a nap ... in Antarctica. Anyway, everyone can place points where he wants (including the middle of the Atlantic Ocean). The project itself does not seem very serious because it is simply a farce, contrary to AirPnP service that is pretty serious.

On the site, the project initiators, two Dutch residents called Kakhiel and Venour, sent a message to Google and its leaders, perhaps to calm any issues related to intellectual property:

"Hello, please do not be angry, this is just a joke, a parody. We do not want to damage your brand. We just want to bring smile on the faces of the fans of Google. So please, do not wear it to court, we have only a few hundred dollars in the bank. And we do not want more go to jail because we are too busy at the moment. But when you go to Holland, you can take a nap on our couch if you want. Write us an e-mail just ... "
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