Facebook unveils new functionality to Shazam

Facebook unveiled a feature that identifies songs you hear or programs you watch, so that you can more easily share your work.
While Twitter seems to have some difficulties to exploit the potential of its discussions on music , Facebook has introduced a frightening weapon. You may have already noticed these Facebook statuses which are followed by "By listening to ..." or "In watching ..." . Until now, the authors of these articles manually and deliberately insert their activities in order to share them.

Soon, these statutes should flourish even more because Facebook has just launched a new feature for its iOS and Android applications, like Shazam , will identify the song, movie or television series that the user is in the process of listen or watch when he wrote his status.

This feature seems to have a dual role as it could further propel Facebook into the world of music. Just imagine the weight of potential partnerships with companies like Apple or Spotify, if the feature became popular. On the other hand, with the identification of programs and movies, Facebook could also strengthen its role in Social TV.

The good news is that the user will always have the choice whether to use the new feature of Facebook. It even insists that she is optional.

If the feature is enabled, the user will see a move icon when drafting a statute. The Facebook app will then use the micro smartphone and try to identify the sound is detected. If a match is found, the user receives a suggestion to add the song, the show or movie to its publication.

On the newsfeed, the music you shared will be available in 30 seconds listening to other users. Case, for example, in a series, Facebook will share the season and episode you are currently viewing.

The new feature will land in the United States in a few weeks. His arrival in other countries is not yet mentioned, but we have no doubt of that made it happen sooner or later in France.

Facebook says no recording will be archived and the user will always have the same controls in terms of confidentiality.

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