Facebook wants to help you protect your computer

With a well thought out system, built in partnership with two specialist publishers Sector: F-Secure and Trend Micro.

Facebook is regularly singled out for his disastrous policy of privacy and confidentiality. In August, the firm has even been fined 20 million dollars for using the name and likeness of its users to illustrate its advertisements, without asking their opinion or permission.
She is now determined to redeem conduct.

Proof is now Facebook wants to help us protect our system from all the terrible virus and other malware dragging in the dark recesses of the web.

How? By partnering with two renowned publishers in this field, or F-Secure and Trend Micro .

The idea, in fact, is quite simple. When the user connects to his Facebook account, these two tools will automatically run a quick scan configuration. If malware is detected, then a window will open with a proposal to launch a further analysis , based either on developed by F-Secure utility, either one proposed by Trend Micro.

In fact, everything depends on the threat suffered by our poor user. Each solution has its own antivirus and Facebook will be able to detect the most suitable tool to its location.

So of course, it will be perfectly free to reject this analysis and continue what he was doing, but the service will obviously not there. It thus does not hesitate to remind the good memories from time to time.

Interestingly, if the analysis is started, then it will be the bottom of the task and may continue to use the machine as if nothing had happened. When completed, the tool will even him send a notification through the famous social network integrated system. He will then have to open the message to view the associated report.

Eventually, other tools should be incorporated into service.

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