Facebook has expanded its publishing rules allowing photos of mothers trying to breastfeed.
All those who are active and who publish many content on social networks know: you do not compromise with sex, pictorial representation, or the idea that Facebook and others to make. Some flesh-colored pixels too and hop you're banned. I myself experienced a few times, most recently with this article Folioscoop , which won the site to be transferred from the Google Adsense program (but it has since been rehabilitated), and Article to be released pronto Facebook.
Facebook rules are particularly strict on this point: anything resembling nudity is immediately deleted as considered potentially offensive pornographic and therefore, since the social network is supposed to accommodate everyone from 13 years. In the best case it's just the offending statute is clear, in the worst case, the page is closed without notice.
Censorship that operates on the basis of several parameters: algorithms identify an image that can potentially be pornographic, publishers 'human' check and decide whether or not to remove the biased picture, and other weight criterion ... the denunciation other users in an inappropriate image Yes bothers.
Debates and controversies
A position that has already sparked much debate and controversy, Facebook is regularly accused of trying to impose on the world a vision very "American-Puritan" of life, even to censor works universally recognized as some horrific images could be published they pose no particular problem in social network, although it has also responded to and changed the rules governing this type of publication.
Obviously, this logic a bit hypocritical and prudish, needless to say that the pictures of mothers breastfeeding their infant does not pass the gauntlet of propriety version of Facebook, and were systematically removed. See a nipple (and not even the tip of a breast) was an unbearable image was enough to shock the conscience of half the planet, not just those fundamentalists of all stripes. An even more amazing when you consider that position Sheryl Sandberg, the "number 2" Facebook is a feminist belief , which never ceases to defend the place of women in society and in business.
Well it seems that Facebook has recently changed in this respect, and has expanded its publication requirements by allowing the publication of pictures of breastfeeding. A change that appears in the heading "Warnings and blocks" :
"We recognize the beauty and naturalness of breastfeeding, and we are delighted to know that it is important for mothers to share their experiences with others on Facebook. Most of these photos meet our regulations. "
A recent change according to The Independent in response to the campaign # FreeTheNipple, who campaigned for the lifting of the censorship.
It probably will not completely change our lives, but it is an interesting signal, and even reassuring somewhere on the ability of social networking to challenge and to appear suddenly a little more human, or at least in line with real life. Where the feed her child in the most natural world does not really fall within the pornography.