Facebook publishes Slingshot Application

Slingshot , which was accidentally released and then removed by Facebook earlier this month, allows users to send pictures destructing . But to receive and display a picture, the recipient must first send a message back. This "feature" is to encourage sharing between large groups. It is also designed to make the application a little less like Snapchat.

"We actually believe that Slingshot is a completely different product," said Joey Flynn, designer Slingshot products.

Slingshot was created by an internal initiative called Facebook Creative Labs . The group is expected to release a number of "experimental" applications this year. Facebook has provided ten people to develop Slingshot application and according to the will Ruben, product manager of Slingshot, "I am convinced that we will be able to keep our jobs and iterate on this product for a little while".

Considering that Facebook tried to acquire Snapchat last year to an estimated $ 3 billion, that is to ask why the giant blue does not turn more towards developing applications internally. If a courier is something for which Facebook really believes, then why does he not make any effort to push in its platform?

Three billion dollars could afford to hire a good number of highly skilled developers and supporting staff that more than 10 people. When the product manager of an application launched recently said he thinks he might be able to keep his job for a short time leads me to believe that senior management Facebook gives him a lot of credibility.

Maybe Zuckerberg just has its own limitations when it comes to coming up with original ideas and its own products, and prefers to trust the existing market ...

At the time of this writing, the Slingshot application is available for download exclusively on the App Store available to the United States - it should arrive on the French store soon, and is also available on Google Play .
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