Nike + Fuelband application finally arrives on Android

Android users waited patiently Nike launches its famous application Nike + Fuelband for all mobile devices running the mobile operating system from Google .

Thus, many consumers might now be happy to know that from today Nike has finally made it possible to sync an Android device with the strap connected to the American giant, the Nike + Fuelband SE, for use with various smartphones such as Samsung Galaxy S5, S4, S3, Nexus 5, the HTC One or Moto X.

The new Android app is now available for download on the Google Play Store, and works like the iOS version was launched there nearly two years by Nike.

The Nike + FuelBand Application for Android allows users to create a Nike + account, and to set daily goals, monitoring daily activity, or view their training history, the various progress and publish data for classification Nikefuel . Android devices who wish to synchronize with the Nike + Fuelband SE must necessarily be Android version 4.3 or higher, and provide support Bluetooth LE connectivity.

For those unaware, the Nike + FuelBand is a smart, simple and fun way to become more active by measuring daily activity and turn it into NikeFuel. To do so, bracelet connected synchronizes with the application, allowing you to see your progress on your mobile device and get the motivation you need to move.

Recently there have been rumors that Nike could be looking to dissolve its development team behind the Nike + Fuelband and work more closely connect with Apple to create a monitoring fitness, or to develop something like the iWatch, the long-awaited device on the side of Cupertino. However, this information has not yet been confirmed by Apple or Nike today.
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