Handling son news: Facebook in the crosshairs of the FTC

The study on the emotional contagion led nearly 700,000 Facebook users never ceases to fuel the controversy. In the United States, a complaint was even filed with the FTC.

In January 2012, academics and people from the division Core Data Science Team Facebook son handled the news nearly 700,000 users without informing them. The objective was to demonstrate that emotions can spread on social networks. More negative posts require the publication of more negative and vice versa posts. This has been demonstrated by filtering son news to expose users sometimes more positive content, sometimes to more negative publications.

A study that is not to the liking of everyone as a result of the publication of an article last June in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), critics have blended.

It was followed by the launch of an investigation by the ICO ( Information Commissioner's Office ) in the UK, which has a similar to the CNIL (National Commission of Computing and Freedoms) role in France.

It is now in the United States that Facebook is pointed by EPIC ( Electronic Privacy Information Center ), which did not hesitate to file a complaint with the FTC ( Federal Trade Commission ) to the Commission a diligent investigation .

In the past, EPIC is widely known for having tackled Google repeatedly funds using private data.

Remains to be seen how Facebook will now adopt posture facing such an uproar. For now, the number one social network argues that such studies are simply intended to improve services.
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