Last year at Mobile World Congress, Oaxis introduced some cases with an E Ink screen for iPhone and Android devices selected. While these are already available, this time the company wanted to create a more modular case that will save you energy that is inside and outside of the case. Thus, once in place, it gives users the ability to have two different screens that can be used simultaneously or separately.
The InkCase More still has a black and white screen. Oaxis mentions that this E Ink screen offers up to 19 hours of playback time , as opposed to four hours offered on the Galaxy S4 Samsung. Most Android smartphones have a glossy screen, and although it offers high resolution and it is very beautiful, it is very energy intensive. In addition, it is also incredibly useless for reading in sunlight. In contrast, E Ink screen may not be beautiful, but it is durable and ultra-functional, especially when you use it for reading e-books or any other text content on your smartphone. It is also very convenient to use to read in sunlight and does not suffer from glare that can be found on a color screen.
The InkCase Plus aims to add all the advantages of an E Ink screen with your smartphone without removing your beautiful color screen when you need it . The case turns out to be essentially a traditional case, but it has a cutout in the front where you can set similar to that of the Kindle screen. There is only 5 millimeters thick and 45 grams, which is not too bad considering that you now have two screens.
The InkCase Plus does not have a touchscreen, but it offers few physical buttons on the front panel for navigation. It reflects the screen of your smartphone and can be used to control your music, view notifications, read e-books and much more.
Finally, know that it will cost you a whopping $ 80 dollars on Kickstarter campaign and has already surpassed its goal of 100,000 dollars . The site says that the backers receive their case in October 2014. Currently, it is only available for the Samsung Galaxy S5, but Oaxis plans to add cases for other leading smartphones shortly.