If mobiles have become a new land of opportunities for advertisers, we must understand that they will also become a gold mine for digital giants who have been able to adapt.
Twitter Facebook Pixabay 700 The Mobile Marketing: a gold mine for those who will benefit
Recently, we published an article highlighting the importance of establishing a clear strategy Mobile Marketing for businesses. Indeed, users spending more and more time in front of their smartphones and tablets.
If mobiles have become a new land of opportunities for advertisers, we must understand that they will also become a gold mine for digital giants who have been able to adapt. Google did, Facebook did and Twitter is doing it.
To illustrate this, here are the forecasts' s eMarketer , the United States, this year. According to the company, this will be the mobile that will boost advertising revenue for media in 2014, with Uncle Sam
They predict that advertisers will spend almost twice as much (+83%) in 2013, for advertisements that will appear on smartphones or tablets.
Better yet, mobile advertising revenues will be more important than other forms of media such as paper press, magazines and radio. And in 2018, 70% of U.S. advertising revenue will come from digital format mobile, which clearly indicates that the share of advertising on computers will drop significantly within 4 years.
Although these data are for the United States, we do not doubt that the phenomenon will reach all other developed countries, including France. As we said above, this is mainly due to the fact that people are spending more and more time in front of their smartphones or tablets. Many indicators show that, depending on the evolution of mobile, this time will increase.
More concretely, for publishers monetize their sites through advertising, should anticipate this transition. The first step is obviously to adapt views to get the best possible experience on smartphone screens.