ZEISS invented nano-football!

In this period of World Cup FIFA, football trend is excess, played in increasingly spectacular and huge stadiums. We applaud or one critical approach, these lands remain technical and architectural prowess.

In 2008, at the European Football Championship, ZEISS has another challenge. Less bulky and less ostentatious - even invisible - but equally exceptional: the smallest football pitch in the world! Created by employees of Carl Zeiss, it measures 800 * 600 nanometers and is "printed" on a photomask.

To understand what is a plot of this size, just imagine a nanometer is one billionth of a meter. This means that we could put 14 quadrillion land ZEISS in a real football field. Hard to imagine? Think while you will find senior players 15 nanometers and balloons not exceeding 20 atoms across to play a game in this format!

How to achieve such a feat?

Merit ® is the system developed by ZEISS, which has "draw" the land through an electron beam. Of course, the production of micro-land is not the first tool function, but a fun diversion technology usually dedicated to the repair of photomasks. They are mainly used in the semiconductor industry, where they serve as templates for the fabrication of microchips. This industry is an important branch of activity ZEISS, they offered support all found!

Of course, it is impossible to see an area of ​​this size to the naked eye, even using ZEISS lenses! To distinguish the contours of the smallest field of the world, no cameras or giant screens, but a scanning electron microscope. Good news, ZEISS is also a leading manufacturer of this type of tool! 
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