Intel expects to market its first processor based on the Intel Core architecture fifth generation, with the code name "Broadwell" this year. And it seems that this chip could not only be used for laptops and Windows tablets, but we could see Chromebooks or Chromebox devices with Broadwell chips.
Chromium Evangelist at Google, Francis Beaufort, notes that the code for a chip based Broadwell and whose name Auron device code was published on the code repository for Chromium .
Auron is just the code name for a printed circuit board that someone tests. However, it is not clear if this will turn into a real product anytime soon. But it seems likely that some PC manufacturers will eventually try to offer a Chromebook with a chip Broadwell , so why not start preparing the code now?
Broadwell The chips should provide better performance, especially as regards the energy consumption will be lower than that of the chips Haswell marketed today, and which are in a number of different manufacturers Chromebooks such Acer, HP or Dell.
We'll have to wait until 2015 to see Broadwell chips for desktops and laptops upscale. But the first chip Broadwell is expected to be announced this year. The Intel Core M processor is a chip for low-power portable devices, including tablets, fanless laptops and systems 2-in-1.
So do not be surprised if some of the first Chromebooks based chip with Broadwell will be slim, light, fanless.
Chromium Evangelist at Google, Francis Beaufort, notes that the code for a chip based Broadwell and whose name Auron device code was published on the code repository for Chromium .
Auron is just the code name for a printed circuit board that someone tests. However, it is not clear if this will turn into a real product anytime soon. But it seems likely that some PC manufacturers will eventually try to offer a Chromebook with a chip Broadwell , so why not start preparing the code now?
Broadwell The chips should provide better performance, especially as regards the energy consumption will be lower than that of the chips Haswell marketed today, and which are in a number of different manufacturers Chromebooks such Acer, HP or Dell.
We'll have to wait until 2015 to see Broadwell chips for desktops and laptops upscale. But the first chip Broadwell is expected to be announced this year. The Intel Core M processor is a chip for low-power portable devices, including tablets, fanless laptops and systems 2-in-1.
So do not be surprised if some of the first Chromebooks based chip with Broadwell will be slim, light, fanless.