Apple has finally decided to integrate a mobile payments platform in its next iPhone, which is likely to be powered by an NFC chip. Sources close to the company mentioned in Wired that the iPhone 6 will have its own mobile payments service , thus arriving in real competition with existing platforms like Google Wallet to mention only the latter.
Competing services already existed for several years, so it is somewhat surprising that Apple has taken this long to come to market, especially when one considers that the Cupertino company is well positioned to successfully deliver a platform for mobile payments.
The company already has more than 800 million credit cards registered on the accounts of its users, and thanks to the millions of iOS devices already in service, the service should not suffer from a lack of users.
Over the years, Apple has filed several patents related to e-commerce transactions. Such a proposal, published in January, detailed how the NFC and Bluetooth connectivity could be combined to control and make payments online , so that sensitive data was stored in a "security feature" in the device itself.
Another patent also suggests that Apple is working on a location-sensitive system and context, providing the user with coupons or rewards when relevant.
Other possibilities are also considered, including the integration of the Touch ID in the security of the platform. In any case, more details are likely to be revealed during the keynote on September 9.
Competing services already existed for several years, so it is somewhat surprising that Apple has taken this long to come to market, especially when one considers that the Cupertino company is well positioned to successfully deliver a platform for mobile payments.
The company already has more than 800 million credit cards registered on the accounts of its users, and thanks to the millions of iOS devices already in service, the service should not suffer from a lack of users.
Over the years, Apple has filed several patents related to e-commerce transactions. Such a proposal, published in January, detailed how the NFC and Bluetooth connectivity could be combined to control and make payments online , so that sensitive data was stored in a "security feature" in the device itself.
Another patent also suggests that Apple is working on a location-sensitive system and context, providing the user with coupons or rewards when relevant.
Other possibilities are also considered, including the integration of the Touch ID in the security of the platform. In any case, more details are likely to be revealed during the keynote on September 9.