Orbit: a new bracelet connected thought for sports, for Runtastic

Jawbone and all others will now have to contend with a new competitor.

Runtastic became known through its oriented "Quantified Self" and both say that the small Austrian box has evolved since its launch in 2009 Better applications, it has even launched on the hardware sector with a heart rate monitor and a GPS case .

Now she wants to move to the next level with a new very promising device: Orbit .

Basically, it is very similar to Vivofit Garmin or even SmartBand SWR10 Sony. It actually in the form of a small module that will come to enshrine in a polyurethane strap.

Different colors will be offered, with premium packs sold a twenty euros. Runtastic is also going to sell another accessory for attaching the tracker in the lapel, or belt.

Like all such devices, Orbit will be able to accurately count the number of steps of its wearer. It can thus calculate calories burned, display this information on its OLED screen and send all the data to a specially developed for the occasion mobile application.

An application compatible with iOS (from the iPhone 4S), and Android (from version 4.3).

Better if necessary, it will also be able to monitor the quality of our sleep. With a system of revivals premium and an estimated 5 to 6 days autonomy.

But his real strength is his special treatment that will enable it to withstand immersion up to 100 meters deep , freshwater or saltwater. Ideal for divers, true.

Orbit goes on sale on August 11. Will be proposed at 119.99 euros, with two straps (black and blue) and a clip (black). 
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