The Wikimedia Foundation has deployed an update of the mobile application of Wikipedia on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
The Wikipedia has come a long way since its launch in January 2001 What was then a sweet dream has become a real institution. Translated into 287 languages, it has millions of articles, it attracts half a billion unique visitors and it sits proudly in sixth place proposed by Alexa ranking every month.
But what is really fascinating is that the famous encyclopedia is also accessible from any mobile phone with internet connection. I do not think anyone would have thought it possible in the 90s. All the knowledge of the species human - almost - resting on our pocket ...
It's almost science fiction, right?
A new version with a more interface with the times
So of course, the mobile application of Wikipedia has evolved over time, and with every version.
The latest should appeal to a lot of people as it marks the arrival of a whole new interface neater, more in tune with the times.
Only available on iOS for now (she was already out on Android), Wikipedia Mobile 4.0 is obviously a showcase for the "flat design" and it has nothing surprising since it is quite the rage right now. Program, therefore, deprived of visual content and further enhanced.
The team in charge of the project was obviously not content to cram one or two solid colors. In fact, the application has been completely rewritten and now it will be more fluid and responsive, including over earlier our iDevices.
Level features, well it will take a complete history , a system to put the pages aside and on a side panel comprising the summary articles . Features that should not surprise those who use the application every day.