Apple said last month that its new smartwatch would be launched at the "beginning" of the year in 2015, failing to provide a specific date for interested consumers to shell out $ 350 for the first device connected to the Cupertino-inlaid your wrist.
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KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who is known to disclose information about the future of Apple, said there was some time ago that the mass production of the show connected was scheduled to start in November. As MacRumors pointed out Tuesday, the Cupertino giant had delayed the production in January. Such information suggests that the technology giant is about to refine the design of the Watch.
In addition, previous news had suggested that Apple was working with two manufacturing companies to assemble its smartwatch - Quanta and Inventec. However, according to Apple Daily , it seems that now Quanta is the only camera manufacturer . It is not clear why Inventec was removed from the process, but with only one manufacturer instead of working on two shows, the production seems to start later than expected - Apple could face a challenge to market its smartwatch early 2015.
With the market becoming more and more popular, the Cupertino company is willing to push his watch in its stores and on the wrists from consumers as soon as she can. Anyway, we should have many more smartwatches launched by then.
See also : You can find a bug in Chrome? Receive $15000
You can find a bug in Chrome? Receive $15000
However, news on Tuesday suggests that the Apple Watch could reach the market later than expected . The reason? Just as mass production for smartwatch should not begin before early January. In other words, for those who wish to get their hands on the watch longer than behind glass (in reference to his exhibition in Paris this week) will have to kindly wait a few months.KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who is known to disclose information about the future of Apple, said there was some time ago that the mass production of the show connected was scheduled to start in November. As MacRumors pointed out Tuesday, the Cupertino giant had delayed the production in January. Such information suggests that the technology giant is about to refine the design of the Watch.
In addition, previous news had suggested that Apple was working with two manufacturing companies to assemble its smartwatch - Quanta and Inventec. However, according to Apple Daily , it seems that now Quanta is the only camera manufacturer . It is not clear why Inventec was removed from the process, but with only one manufacturer instead of working on two shows, the production seems to start later than expected - Apple could face a challenge to market its smartwatch early 2015.
With the market becoming more and more popular, the Cupertino company is willing to push his watch in its stores and on the wrists from consumers as soon as she can. Anyway, we should have many more smartwatches launched by then.