Chrome browser passes on 64-bit Mac OS X

This is a very important month for some of the most popular desktop browsers in the world. Firefox recently pushed an update to its browser, focusing on security and privacy, and deciding to drop Google for Yahoo, and now Chrome is a huge leap forward for the addition of 64-bit support a stable version of the Mac OS X version .

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Of course, IE usage supremacy is unlikely to be threatened, even if Chrome is beginning to appear to be a strong alternative to Safari on Mac OS X. The addition of the 64-bit compatibility within Google Chrome 39 allows the web browser to be much faster, while regulating much better than before memory. Add to that enhanced security, and we have a winner!

It's only been a little over a month that Chrome 38.0.2125 saw the light of day, that the 39.0.2171 version is ready to replace it! As always, you can patch your Chrome version currently installed using the silent automatic updates, or for the more impatient, go straight for Chrome 39 on Google's servers . However, all is not so rosy. Indeed, this may infuriate some fans on Mac OS X is the fact that the new iteration of Chrome abandon those who are on a 32-bit version. So while Google says nothing in his last article on his blog, the owners of a 32-bit system aging will be stuck with Chrome 38 .

Google will continue to offer new features for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows computers, and changelog also includes 42 very specific security patches. Premiums for bugs raised 41,500 dollars according to Mac Rumors, and four communities were designated to help smooth the browser during its development cycle.

Speaking of support to developers, Google has introduced a set of tools and features in Chrome 39 beta last month, including JavaScript Generators, Web Animation Playback Control and Web Application Manifest.

Come on, try the browser and tell me if it is stable!
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