Towards the final end of Internet Explorer? Microsoft will launch Spartan, its new browser

Microsoft would prepare the launch of Spartan new browser would be introduced with Windows 10.

The information is not official yet, but we are inclined to believe this rumor. Indeed, unveiled by Mary Jo Foley, this reporter ZDNet was found to have a good informers Good sources when it comes to ferret out secret information about Microsoft.

Thus we learn that the Redmond company would work on Spartan, a new lighter browser that will make its introduction in Windows 10. Attention Spartan will not be a rebranded Internet Explorer 12, but rather a new full-fledged browser that ... will be closer to the user experience of a Chrome or Firefox (even if he does not always use WebKit but 100% Microsoft with Trident and to Chakra JavaScript engine).

But Microsoft does not expect to kill Internet Explorer immediately. Indeed, Spartan should coexist with IE ... at least at first. For compatibility reasons, Windows 10 will come with Spartan AND Internet Explorer 11. The launch will take place simultaneously on Windows 10 and Windows Phone. The question of a port to Android, iOS & co obviously arises (especially with the new strategy driven by Satya Nadella) but seems pretty unlikely at first.

Nothing confirms that Spartan will be the final name of the new browser ... even if it could bring a new consistency in the naming of Microsoft software. Indeed, after calling his voice assistant Cortana (the name of artificial intelligence in Halo ), Spartan would be a nice reminder to the hero of this series. For the uninitiated, the Spartan Project is a program which aims to create a super-soldier which will be part Master Chief, the hero. By analogy, imagine Microsoft does like Spartan super-browser that "saving the world" (or at least save its market share among browsers)? The future will tell.
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