Cybersecurity: Barack Obama wants to reform to defend Americans

The President of the United States claimed several major steps to ensure that personal data of citizens are better protected.

Several US companies, including Target , Home Depot and Sony Pictures have suffered cyber attacks in recent months jeopardizing the personal data of many customers and employees. A situation that pushed Barack Obama, President of the United States, to make various proposals to strengthen cybersecurity.

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In a speech to the Federal Trade Commission , the US Agency for Consumer Protection, the President advocated the establishment of a single federal standard (instead of different laws in each state) that would require companies to report to consumer within thirty days as a vulnerability has their personal data to thank you from hackers. 

For Barack Obama, the US and its economy is "far too vulnerable" to this type of attack. "C ' is a direct threat against the economic health of American families and we must stop it. If we are to be connected, we must also protect us " , he has said. This very committed to the protection of citizens' data speeches occurred in parallel with a proposal to the White House several projects to cybersecurity reform the country. Among the measures outlined in this proposal, the White House hopes will improve the reporting of information on threats against private companies to the authorities, is considering making liable to prosecution for the sale of spyware identity theft and botnet used for DDoS attacks. The sale of stolen financial data (account numbers or credit card) could also be prosecuted.

Reforming cybersecurity US

The US president also called for federal protection of information collected from students. This law could be based on a decision passed in late August 2014 in California that prohibits high-tech companies working in the field of education to sell the data they could collect to outside companies or even use them to their own account.
President Obama concluded by explaining that the privacy of Americans and data security are not partisan issues, and expressed the hope that the Republican majority in Congress, working with him to advance the legislation.
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