So far, we have heard many rumors about various possible variants of the Galaxy S6 Samsung. One of them suggested that the flagship smartphone from the South Korean firm would be divided into a model with a curved edge screen, similar to the Galaxy Note Edge that the company unveiled last year. Among the names mentioned, that of Galaxy S6 Edge obviously unanimous, without one really knows if Samsung would call it that. Today, new information suggests that the Galaxy S6 Edge smartphone might actually just be called the Samsung Galaxy S Edge .
It comes with a list of Vodafone Netherlands pointing the Galaxy S Edge as a new entry in their catalog, and marked by While the list from a fairly official website - or at least one that has probably been in conversation with Samsung about smartphone storage - this revelation may well be accurate.
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In addition, it makes some sense, since the Galaxy Note Edge was not a "4" in its name, although it was launched alongside the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Without a number in the name, it seems that Samsung positions this device as a new range , instead of just being a variant of the Galaxy S series, which has been declining with the latest opus.
Linked to Europe
But this new information gives us more than just a name. It is an indicator more than the smartphone actually exists, and that it is close to exit closed doors manufacturing plants.
Better yet, its presence on a website in the Netherlands suggests that it will be released in Europe too, so it will happen probably in France, like the Galaxy Note Edge.
There are still things that remain unclear, as if this model will have an edge or two curved. In the first case, it would simply be a "copy" of the Galaxy Note Edge, and if not, it will be a completely new design that we have not seen before.
We we expect to see the Galaxy S Edge with similar specifications to GS6. This means that it is likely to have a chip Samsung Exynos, 3GB of RAM and a Super AMOLED screen with a resolution of 5.1 2560 x 1440 pixels. It should probably be with a 20 megapixel sensor in the rear, and a front camera of 5 megapixels. The battery is reported to be 2550 mAh, which seems to be a little low, even if the fast charge is included.
Anyway, Samsung is preparing to launch its new flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S6, we all think we see at Mobile World Congress in March. The Korean company could surprise us by also unveiling the Galaxy S Edge.
It comes with a list of Vodafone Netherlands pointing the Galaxy S Edge as a new entry in their catalog, and marked by While the list from a fairly official website - or at least one that has probably been in conversation with Samsung about smartphone storage - this revelation may well be accurate.
See also : Outlook for iOS and Android syncs all your mails
In addition, it makes some sense, since the Galaxy Note Edge was not a "4" in its name, although it was launched alongside the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Without a number in the name, it seems that Samsung positions this device as a new range , instead of just being a variant of the Galaxy S series, which has been declining with the latest opus.
Linked to Europe
But this new information gives us more than just a name. It is an indicator more than the smartphone actually exists, and that it is close to exit closed doors manufacturing plants.
Better yet, its presence on a website in the Netherlands suggests that it will be released in Europe too, so it will happen probably in France, like the Galaxy Note Edge.
There are still things that remain unclear, as if this model will have an edge or two curved. In the first case, it would simply be a "copy" of the Galaxy Note Edge, and if not, it will be a completely new design that we have not seen before.
We we expect to see the Galaxy S Edge with similar specifications to GS6. This means that it is likely to have a chip Samsung Exynos, 3GB of RAM and a Super AMOLED screen with a resolution of 5.1 2560 x 1440 pixels. It should probably be with a 20 megapixel sensor in the rear, and a front camera of 5 megapixels. The battery is reported to be 2550 mAh, which seems to be a little low, even if the fast charge is included.
Anyway, Samsung is preparing to launch its new flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S6, we all think we see at Mobile World Congress in March. The Korean company could surprise us by also unveiling the Galaxy S Edge.