South Korean authorities have found evidence that on the devices associated with the management of the country's nuclear facilities, there was a virus that was later deleted, reports Reuters. Utverzhdaetsya that it was not a particularly dangerous virus.
According to Energy Minister Yoon Sang Jik during parliamentary sessions, a computer worm could bring in one of the employees of the operating company with careless use of flash drives, reports RIA "Novosti" . According to him, the incident is not related to the recent hacker attacks a computer network power company Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co , which operates 23 nuclear reactors in the country.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy of South Korea and the agency responsible for overseeing the use of nuclear energy, said that the system governing the country's nuclear facilities, the effects are not subjected to dangerous virus.
Earlier this week, a hacker who calls himself "president of the group, which opposes nuclear reactors", unveiled record in his microblog Twitter threat to publish about 100 thousand pages of internal documentation Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. To prevent this, the attacker demanded a stop two blocks of NPP "Burn" and the third block of NPP "Volson" for a period of three months, starting from December 25 this year.
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On the eve of the same microblog entries appeared with excerpts from the drawings NPP "Burn" and NPP "Volson", as well as analysts' reports on the safety of nuclear reactors. Representatives of the Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co, in turn, re-issued a statement that the attacker made public information is not confidential and will not pose a threat to the safety of nuclear facilities.
South Korean authorities have sent a formal request to the FBI to conduct a test server Twitter for more information. In addition, law enforcement authorities in South Korea also touched upon the Chinese colleagues for help in the investigation. Investigators say the attackers used the vulnerability several Chinese IP-addresses, but this fact is not direct evidence of the involvement of China to cyber attack.