Instagram has launched the Android version of Layout

You will now be able to create your collages on your Sony Xperia Z3 or even on your Samsung Galaxy S6.

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Instagram has some mobile applications in its catalog. There is the original client, of course, but one can also cite hyperlapse or even ... Layout . Needless to say but it is the latter discussed here.

For indeed, the project team in charge has just deployed a new version of the application. A fully thought version for the Android platform.

An intuitive and very easy to use application

All you have to do to enjoy it is to go to this address and click the corresponding button. Then select your device from the list to start the download of the tool on your phone.

After launched, Layout take you by the hand and you and explain all the basic functions. It then will be left for you to get started, and thus to create your first collage.

Nothing complicated here.

Suffice to go pick the photos you want in the grid to import them into the workspace. Then it will still choose automatic dialing to load the editor and to start making your changes.

Whatever happens, you keep hold of your images, so you can move, rotate or even resize them using different buttons present below the collage.

Want to capture new photos? No worries, you will simply press the appropriate button and Layout even offer you to choose the number of pictures to take.

When you have finished your collage, it will do more than validate its creation to make it generated. After that, you will find the usual sharing options and you will even be able to open it in Instagram to edit or paste a few additional filters.
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