Russia wants to create a mobile operating system based on Sailfish OS

Russian Minister of Telecommunications mentioned a project to develop a mobile operating system based on Sailfish.

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There a few months, we mentioned the intention of Nikolai Nikiforov, the Russian minister of telecommunications, to support mobile operating systems Sailfish OS Tizen and rewarding developers who would wear their applications on them.

Today, the country is clearly go further since it would issue a mobile OS made ​​in Russia (more or less).

In any case, the project was announced by the same minister who wishes to develop a Russian-based operating system Sailfish.

Remember, this is an open-source Linux-based OS that was developed by Jolla, a Finnish company that in addition to having created the operating system, is also developing mobile devices that use it.

Note also that Jolla was founded by former Nokia employees who had worked on MeeGo, the OS was supposed to enter into rivalry with Android and iOS before the Finnish company decides to turn to Windows Phone.

For now, the details on the realization of the Russian project are not known. But this is obviously a dependence of the reduction effort of the country to the US digital giants, especially the source code could then be inspected to ensure that it contains no backdoors for US government.
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