Google wants to better organize cities, with Sidewalk Labs

Always looking for new lines of business and innovation, the Mountain View company launches its laboratory Sidewalk Labs designed to better organize the cities of tomorrow.

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Google shares in all directions in recent years (health, automotive, telecommunications, home automation, artificial intelligence, etc.). His ambition to change the world is universal, this time the Google X laboratory works on an urban planning project, to better manage our cities.

Google takes the issue of urban life

Google now desire to floor on the management of cities. The US giant has created a special program called Sidewalk Labs, whose task will be to improve the management of cities on such important challenges, save money, improve transport, ecology, energy consumption, etc. .

Google CEO Larry Page himself, wanted to intervene to present his program Sidewalk Labs, saying: " You can probably think of a ton of ways in which we would like to improve his city, better housing, better transportation public, less pollution, more parks and green spaces, safer bike paths, a path for the shortest work ... ". He then explained: " Sidewalk Labs will focus on the improvement of urban life for all, developing and serving as an incubator for urban technologies to tackle problems like cost of living, effectiveness transport and energy consumption . "

2/3 of the world population will be concentrated in cities by 2050

When we know that by 2050, two thirds of the world population will be concentrated in cities, according to the UN, we immediately understand better why Google wants to interfere in the issue of urban life. At the moment very little is known about the laboratory Sidewalk Labs, one simply knows that he will be led by Dan Doctoroff. Larry Page did not advance figure for the budget for this lab, but said he would be modest for now.

After wanting to organize internet and information, it seems that the next challenge for Google is to better organize our lives.
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