Netizens thought that Android would be called M "Milkshake" ???

For now, the name of the next version of Android is not yet known. But some have thought it was Milkshake.

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Last week, Google held its conference I / O for developers. And one of the most anticipated announcements was the presentation of the new version of Android.

For now, this one is not yet out. Unless a preview is available (for developers) and dessert name Android Lollipop successor is not yet known.

However, there was a detail that did not escape the Internet and which led to funny (or not) of interpretations.

Dave Burke, one of Google employees who participated in the presentation of Android M to the public, wearing a smart watch (a Huawei) and she had a milkshake picture as wallpaper.

This drawing was quickly interpreted by Internet users and even some sites that have deduced that the name of the next Android was Milkshake.

The Google employee has subsequently denied the speculation he described as exaggerated.

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