Recent fuel Offering Features Private Chat For those of you who want to Maintain Privacy

Wow, look for new sources of revenue for the Blackberry is important given the handset sales have gone down drastically so that they start focusing on enterprise services as well as other potential.

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Because the messaging features that can be erased by itself or secret message began to be popular, then Blackbbery began to utilize their popular BBM platform by launching a private chat features into a paid feature, with the price of 1 USD per month for those who want to use it.

Private chat option will replace the facility "and retracted timed messages". In the private chat feature, BBM will hide the names of the people and the icon avatar / profile to see the conversation / chat to avoid others recognize the identity of the talking when there is a capture / take a screenshot of the conversation.

In addition there is also the facility to delete the message / conversation, and the conversation messages could also disappear by itself over a certain period of inactivity longer to avoid others seeing the conversation.

In fact you can edit the message offered in this paid feature.

Current BlackBerry and Android users can already download the update and pay a subscription fee to use the private chat, but unfortunately the iOS version is not available at this time and will be followed.
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