The Netflix Web site gets its first facelift in 4 years

Netflix is currently rolling out a redesign of its website , allowing the video-streaming site to have a look much more in connection with the company's applications dedicated to smartphones, to tablets and TVs and other devices to dispose of the application.

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According to Netflix , this is the first major update to the website in four years, and it is both faster and designed to facilitate the search for content to watch quickly.

For most, the new website allows you to browse the Netflix library of video without clicking on a link and wait for a new web page opens. Instead, you can view information about movies and TV shows with animations and text displayed snapshot. Just move your mouse over a title to see a slideshow of images, and a description of the media.

Again, when you click on a video, you will not have to wait for a new page opens. Instead, you will see more information on the same screen, and the listing of the episodes of the series.

You do not want to spend time scrolling through lists movies? Now you can click a mouse button to move forward without a complete row wait for the scrolling is completed.

Netflix said the new website is designed to be used on computers with a mouse, a touchpad or touch screen . Overall, the new design is more immersive and present more information to customers, while facilitating movement through the catalog of the platform to search for things to watch or add to your list.

It should be noted that the global deployment will end in two weeks. So do not panic if it is not yet visible to you.
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