The next Nintendo console could be based on Android

While Nintendo is known for the quality of its own shares - Mario or Zelda may be enough to sell a lot of consoles - the company has struggled to attract third-party developers for some time now.

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But with the Nintendo NX, the new top secret console that company president Satoru Iwata announced in March of this year, this finding could prove to be completely different. Very little information was relayed about the console out of its name and it should be a "new concept". While speculation still are well under way, a Japanese newspaper reported a very interesting rumor.

One insider said the Nikkei, one of the largest newspapers in Japan, as the Nintendo NX operating system would "Android" . The reason? The ubiquity of Android could make the console more attractive for third party developers . "It would be able to accelerate the process of 'recruitment' third-party developers," said the insider anonymous to Nikkei. A system based on Android would also enable the NX games to be easily transportable on mobile devices, the source said.

Only attractive to developers?
At present, this is only a rumor. However, the Nikkei is quite a reliable source regarding the rumors. The newspaper reported that Nintendo would be initiated in the mobile games, before the Japanese firm itself announces its partnership with Dena, and he also relayed rumors of a large Nintendo 3DS before the 3DS XL is announced.

Assuming this rumor proves to be true, there are still a myriad of possibilities as to the actual implementation. First, it is likely that the system is simply based on Android , as with Ouya. Second, maybe the publication was poorly translated, and Android games and applications could run on the operating system owner of the firm , possibly by a virtualization system.

In any case, one thing is certain: we must be patient. Nintendo has already announced that it would not share all the details of the NX this year at E3, and it does not intend to speak before 2016.
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