Use the application from Intel to control your PC with your smartphone

It was designed for mini-PC. But she normally works with all computers running Windows 7 and 8.

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Since there are now a number of PC dongles on the market, Intel has seen fit to release its own smartphone application to control a PC from a mobile.

On the description of the app "Remote Keyboard" , the company also stipulates that it is designed for its mini PC NUC and Compute Stick. However, you should be able to use it without problems on any computer running Windows 7 or 8.

To test, simply download the app on the play store , install a customer on the PC and that's it. For the app to work, it is also necessary that the smartphone and the PC are connected to the same network.

Once everything is installed, the app will control the computer with a virtual keyboard and a track-pad.

And if the applications that provide these features are already numerous enough, the advantage that Intel may lie in its simplicity both in use at the level of parameterization. After, as we might have a little more confidence to an application published by Intel.
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